Parenting, Primary 1

Sorry Boss, I cannot Zoom because my child has HBL…

By Big C Couple years back, I wrote a post about how I always have to text my boss sorry because I need to miss work due to Small E falling sick. That post was received high number of reads over the years, so I can imagine, how many other parents out there face the… Continue reading Sorry Boss, I cannot Zoom because my child has HBL…


I did solo night shift with my baby for the first 26 months…

[By Big C] It was my first 26months of Motherhood and Big E's first 26 months of Babyhood... When Big E was born, my arrangement for confinement was to move in with my in-laws so she could cook some meals for me and just bathe Big E. I wanted to and was confident that I… Continue reading I did solo night shift with my baby for the first 26 months…


Who is going to pay for our late pick up fees to childcare centres during train breakdowns?

[By Big C] I get it... I get it that it's the unlucky aura and whatever human nonsense that is causing the train delays and breakdowns... I am in total understanding that those guys are working hard to resolve the issues and we should give them time and space to do so... and for all… Continue reading Who is going to pay for our late pick up fees to childcare centres during train breakdowns?


Kids as priority doesn’t lower parents’ quality of work

[By Big C] Kids are my priority, for sure! I mean seriously if they are not THE priority, what else is? Work is my means of giving them a better life, and okay, it's a bonus for me because I love what I do at work! Yes, perhaps I cannot be there physically as much… Continue reading Kids as priority doesn’t lower parents’ quality of work


Dear boss, my son is down with fever again…

[By Big C] This morning, I had to text my boss again... I just did like a week plus ago. "Dear boss, my son is down with fever again... sorry but I will need to take urgent leave today..." Small E is very prone to having fever from baby days, no matter how serious or… Continue reading Dear boss, my son is down with fever again…